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Madurai - Banglore
Chennai - Karur

Chennai - Namakkal

Coimbatore - Banglore


  Payment not success

Thank you for using our Online reservation system.
However, the transaction has been declined - Your credit card/NET Banking could not be authorized for some reason. Please correct any information and try again

Often, this is due to being Wrong card number, password, over the credit limit or not having enough funds for the transaction, but it could also be a connection issue with the Bank server.

If the Amount has been debited from your account its will be returned to your account..
You can expect to receive the Refund within next 2-5 banking days.
If you do not receive the Refund within a maximum period of 7 working days from the date of booking, than you need to inform us via email to help@mssbus.com with Details like date of booking, userid, seatno and amt, about the non receipt of the refund, so that necessary follow up can be done with the Payment Gateway/BANK.

For Payment Issues : help@mssbus.com


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